
Film Production

Attain knowledge and skills in the basics of the artistic and technical aspects of a producer's profession.

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Course Content

The course includes lessons in the film producer's role in a film production, from idea to finished film and exercise in team collaboration (producer, director, cinematographer and sound engineer). • Students learn how to make a budget and to understand the process of film production: pre-production, schedule, mood board, sites (studio/ location). • Through exercises, students explore making simple day messages, recording plans and how to create a production book. They learn how to establish a participation contract and the most important rights with regard to actors, music, drama and more. • Students learn how to pitch (to describe and motivate) their ideas for financiers and others involved in a film project.


The knowledge is assessed through the teacher's continuous supervision. Evaluation of all exercises and productions after completion. The production course consists mainly of practical and concrete projects and film exercises.