Bill Cope is a dedicated teacher at John 316 Film School Foundation, where he shares his unique blend of expertise and passion with aspiring filmmakers. Though he never attended a formal film school, Bill's background in various disciplines, including electronics (aerospace and consumer), horticulture, healthcare nursing (RN), advanced welding, and facilities maintenance, has shaped his unconventional journey into the world of videography. As a self-taught filmmaker, Bill has honed his skills through years of hands-on experience, using his knowledge as an electronics technician to master video editing and special effects. His signature style is a blend of old-school methods and modern techniques, creating a distinctive approach that resonates with his students. Bill’s Christian journey began in the 1980s during his time in the Air Force, where he encountered the Gospel at a conference sponsored by The Navigators. Since then, his faith has been an integral part of his life, guiding his personal and professional pursuits. Bill is married to his wife, Nancy, and they have a son, Timmy. Together, they live in northern New England, where he continues his work in both business and filmmaking. Bill is also actively involved in a part-time Christian video ministry called Great Commission Christian Film Production, where he writes, edits, and acts. He is currently working on a new mini-series while setting up a workshop to fabricate movie props and costumes. His work is a testament to his commitment to using his talents to serve both the film industry and his faith.